Our Groundworks package will include but is not limited to the following items, Site strip & disposal of existing materials, Excavation and placement of concrete for 1.2m deep strip footings, Formation of new access road inclusive of a new 1.5m diameter concrete sewer at up-to 3.0m depth to include for all associated road gullies, new connection onto Main Sewer line in carriageway all works to be undertaken under Traffic Management and in accordance of L.C.C approval. Installation of PCC Inspection Chambers at 3.0m deep, Installation of Plot drainage, Hard/Soft landscaping works to include all Flag-laying/Soiling works, PCC Kerbing, Machine Laid HRA tarmac with Red pre-coated chippings and associated White-lining. Contract Value £250,000
We have commenced works on site at Clitheroe Rd Whaley on behalf of Eric Wright Construction to undertake all groundworks for 8no. Detached House’s.